Sew On Clothing Label 45mm x 25mm

High quality Sew On Clothing Label sized 45mm x 25mm in Black, Red or Sky Blue Print

SKU: sew-45x25 Category: Tags: , ,


The fabric in our sew-on clothing labels is called “fabatherm”, it is widely used in washing instruction labels and in care facilities. It is made up of 100% nylon, it feels a bit plastic like at first but after a couple of washes softens up. The labels come on a continuous tape and are printed in one colour only (either black, sky blue or red). The print deteriorates with bleach or alkaline at a similar rate to your clothes.

Colour may appear differently on a computer screen to on the labels. If you require a specific colour please ask for a sample.

Variable Label Lengths
The width of the sew on labels are 30mm, 40mm, 45mm & 70mm & the length can vary. If you need a specific length please use the inquiry button on the closest Sew On label product to get a quote.

Note: The size of the labels is in the title and quoted in millimetres (mm). The pictures are not to scale in comparison to each other. Please measure with a ruler to ensure you ask for the correct size. Times millimetres by 10 to get centimetres eg. 45mm x 20mm = 4.5cm x 2cm – this is the most common size used for name tags.